I wrote this paper for a course on Religion and Popular Culture in the spring of 2019.
‘’It is not actually death, but the knowledge of death,
that creates problems for human beings’’ (Norbert Elias)
I wrote this paper for a course on Religion and Popular Culture in the spring of 2019.
‘’It is not actually death, but the knowledge of death,
that creates problems for human beings’’ (Norbert Elias)
In the autumn of 2018, I attented the yearly conference of the NGG (Nederlands Genootschap voor Godsdienstwetenschap). The overarching theme was ‘Interpreting Rituals’. Keynote lectures and paper sessions shed a light on a broad variety of topics, challenging me and the other research master students on the spot to search for challenging perspectives. The paper that I am sharing serves as a reflection on the conference and one of its pivotal themes. I wrote it in the aftermath of the event, but the case study that I used will be the starting point for another paper on David Bowie and performativity, which I will hopefully produce this spring.
Lees verder Essay: Performing Death (NGG Conference Religious Studies, 2018)‘No more Ziggy Stardust’. Op een streng katholieke Ierse school, waar regels en moraliteit hoog in het vaandel staan, is geen ruimte voor de culturele uitspattingen van Conor Lalor (Ferdia Walsh-Peelo). Geïnspireerd door de eighties-sound van Duran Duran, the Jam, the Cure en Bowie ontworstelt Conor zich aan de pesterijen en de familieproblemen die zijn bestaan tekenden. Regisseur John Carney levert met Sing Street een ietwat clichématige, maar wel ontzettend fijne coming of age-film af.