In de herfst van 2019 bezocht ik, net als in 2018 (‘Interpreting Rituals’), de NGG conferentie in Groningen, waar Charles Hirschkind te gast was om onder andere met PhD en RMA-studenten over embodiment, semiotiek en materiële benaderingen van religie te spreken. In mijn (waarschijnlijk niet al te toegankelijke, excuus) reflectie-paper kijk ik terug op enkele discussies en teksten rond deze thema’s, en koppel ik ze aan mijn huidige thesis-voorstel m.b.t. een documentaire over the Satanic Temple (Hail Satan?, 2019).
Lees verder Religious Embodiment, semiotics and the mundanity of ‘Worldview’: Reflections on the 2019 NGG Conference [Paper]Tag archieven: material religion
Theory & Worldview: Enter the Void (2009)
In the spring of 2019 I wrote an entry on the relation between film and personal worldview. How can a film inform the way someone theorizes and thinks about the world?
Lees verder Theory & Worldview: Enter the Void (2009)Beyond the eye=mind equation: rethinking a master thesis on Christopher Nolan’s Memento
I embedded some thoughts on my master thesis (film & visual culture) in my portfolio for the RMA course ‘Materiality and Corporality of Lived Religion’. My master thesis can be found here, and this post serves to share my reflections on the relation between vision (the eye) and knowledge (the mind).
Lees verder Beyond the eye=mind equation: rethinking a master thesis on Christopher Nolan’s MementoBeyoncé: Iconic Power in the Human Realm [Essay]
This essay was written in the context of a RMA course on Materiality and the Body in the study of religion, spring 2019.
Lees verder Beyoncé: Iconic Power in the Human Realm [Essay]In Pastures Green He Leadeth Me: The Reconfiguration of Space and Authority in The Wicker Man (1973)
In the course of March and April 2019, I wrote seven essays on topics ranging from a supposedly blasphemous song to the relationship between subjectivity and anthropological fieldwork. Today I publish the first essay, on Robin Hardy’s 1973 cult classic The Wicker Man.
Lees verder In Pastures Green He Leadeth Me: The Reconfiguration of Space and Authority in The Wicker Man (1973)