The third season of Netflix hit series Dark will be dropped online coming Saturday, June 27th. Those who watched the first two seasons know that this is an important date within the realm of the series’ narrative – and those who watched these seasons might also be interested in the following.
Lees verder Time Travelers from (the) Dark: the entanglement of the scientific and the occult in a Netflix series [paper]Tag archieven: populaire cultuur
Billie Eilish’ all the good girls go to hell, Lucifer and the embodiment of individualism [Paper]
I wrote an extensive paper on pop star Billie Eilish and her song all the good girls go to hell. If you are interested, you can read it right here. I wrote it in the context of my research master in Religious Studies at Utrecht University and my interest in music, popular culture & the transformations of western culture, identity politics, symbolism and transgression.
Lees verder Billie Eilish’ all the good girls go to hell, Lucifer and the embodiment of individualism [Paper]A Hidden Spectacle? On Performativity, ‘Lazarus’ and the Death of David Bowie
I wrote this paper for a course on Religion and Popular Culture in the spring of 2019.
‘’It is not actually death, but the knowledge of death,
that creates problems for human beings’’ (Norbert Elias)
Recensie: Vox Lux [Brady Corbet, 2018]
In de traumatische nasleep van een school shooting zingt een tienermeisje een lied van verstilde wanhoop. Voor ze het weet heeft haar stem een natie verenigd. Zingen en dansen doet ze in de kooi van een studio, onder het toeziend oog van een producer in schaapskleren.
Lees verder Recensie: Vox Lux [Brady Corbet, 2018]